Keep reading to gain a deeper understanding of how reserve funds work and what they’re typically used for.

Definition and Examples of Reserve Fund

Reserve funds usually exist in the form of a savings account or some other type of liquid holding place for cash that can be accessed if an unexpected (or anticipated) cost arises. Reserve funds are becoming increasingly popular among investors, but they are also used by financial institutions, companies, and HOAs. For example, a family may use a reserve fund to cover costs like unforeseeable medical care or home repairs. Likewise, an HOA charges its members a monthly fee, part of which goes toward a reserve fund to pay for neighborhood maintenance and improvements. Reserve funds aren’t just a safe space to store cash funds; this type of fund should also help you increase your money by paying out interest on the savings. This interest can help grow the fund’s value, so the less you end up pulling from it, the more you will earn on your savings. Real estate investors also use reserve funds to help ensure that if a pricey, unexpected repair comes up, they will be able to weather it. The last thing any real estate investor wants is resorting to expensive financing options, such as credit cards, to cover unplanned costs like replacing a furnace or fixing water damage.

How Reserve Funds Work

You will likely have experience with reserve funds if you live in a neighborhood with an HOA or a condominium complex. In a condo building or housing subdivision, an HOA or condo association usually governs the housing community. Typically, these associations have officers and leadership who are responsible for maintaining the community by scheduling maintenance and repairs, creating rules for residents to adhere to, hiring service workers, and approving projects that better the community. This is where a reserve fund comes in. While certain ongoing costs like window cleaning and landscaping will be planned for in advance, a reserve fund can provide money when an emergency occurs or to cover the cost of major scheduled renovations or remodeling. To build out the reserve fund, residents will pay HOA dues monthly.

Pros & Cons of Reserve Funds

Pros Explained

Easy access to funds in an emergency: Reserve funds are liquid, making it easy to access that cash when necessary. Helps avoid debt: When you have an emergency fund, you’re less likely to turn to high-interest borrowing options. Generates income on savings: Reserve funds generate interest income on the savings in the fund.

Cons Explained

Savings growth is limited: Generally, you’ll earn more by investing money instead of leaving it to earn interest in a savings account.Owners or officers may be reluctant to contribute: People called upon to give to a reserve fund may think it’s an unnecessary expense.