If you need to alert your boss to your resignation right away, you might have to send a resignation email instead of a letter. Even if you send an official letter or tell your boss in person, you may choose to send a follow-up email to confirm the details. Read below for information on why you should give two weeks’ notice, how to write a resignation email, and review a sample email message.

Why Give Two Weeks Notice?

It’s important to provide your employer with two weeks’ notice if you can. This is a standard practice when resigning. However, two weeks’ notice is not legally required unless you’re covered by a contract. If you have a union agreement or employment contract that states how much notice you have to give, definitely follow those rules. Otherwise, you may be considered to be employed at will and not required to give notice. Check the details before your turn in your resignation. Do your best to give two weeks’ notice, if you can. This is a good way to maintain a positive relationship with your employer, which you may need should you ever need to ask them for a recommendation.

Tips for Writing a Resignation Email Message

State the date. In the letter, include the date you plan to leave the company. This will give your employer a clear sense of your timeline.Don’t go into details. There’s no need to go into a lot of detail in your resignation letter—it’s most important to convey that you are resigning, and when your last day will be.Express gratitude. Remember to thank your employer for the opportunities you have been given during your tenure. This is also a good moment to express your gratitude for the years you have worked there. If you’re not leaving on the best of terms, there’s no need for this section.Offer assistance. If it’s feasible, offer to help the company during the two-week transition. You might offer to train a new employee, for example, or to write a description of your daily work responsibilities and/or unfinished projects for your successor.Ask any questions. This is also an opportunity to ask any questions about compensation or benefits, such as where or when you will receive your last paycheck. You should send the email to both your manager and to the Human Resources office. Human Resources will be able to answer these kinds of questions.Provide your contact information. You might want to include any non-company email address or other forms of contact information so that your employer can get in touch with you in the future. Proofread and edit your message. Be sure to thoroughly proofread your email, fixing any spelling or grammar errors. Also, make sure that the date you give for your last day of work is correct. Even though you are leaving the company, you want your last email to be professional and polished.

How to Format the Message

Subject Line: Include the fact that you’re resigning in the subject line of the email. It’s important for your message to be opened and read. Greeting: Address your letter to your manager. You may also want to copy Human Resources so there’s an official record of your resignation. Resignation Notice: Advise your employer when you will be leaving the company, and when your last day of work will be. Optional Information: If you want to offer assistance during the transition or thank your employer for the opportunity, mention it after you’ve noted that you’re resigning. Signature: Include your contact information (email and phone number) in the message or in your signature so it’s easy for the recipient to follow up.

Two Weeks’ Notice Resignation Email Example

More Sample Resignation Emails

Review more examples of resignation email messages for a variety of circumstances. There are samples and templates to download whenever you need to move on from a job. Dear Ms. Smith, I am writing to notify you that I am providing two weeks’ notice and will be resigning from my position as Customer Service Representative with ABCD Company. My last day of employment will be January 15. Please let me know if I can provide any assistance with the transition. I would be glad to provide whatever support I can during my remaining time with the company. You can also contact me with any questions on my personal email, JaneDoe@firstnamelastname.com, or my cell phone, 555-555-5555. I wish you and the company success in the future. Thank you so much for all the support you have provided me during my tenure with the company. Best regards, Jane Doe