If so, you’re missing out on a big opportunity. First impressions are important, but when it comes to job interviews, last impressions are also a pretty big deal. They’re your final chance to make sure the hiring manager knows that you’re the best candidate for the job. Play your cards right, and you might even use those last moments to score a job offer.

The Best Ways to End a Job Interview

Confirm Your Interest in the Job

The closing of an interview is a great opportunity to express your enthusiasm for the job. One way to do this is to explain how the interview has confirmed your interest in the position.

Ask for the Job

If you are sure you want the job after the interview, do what any good salesperson does at the end of a meeting and ask for the job, albeit tactfully.

Remind the Interviewer That You’re Qualified

The end of your interview also is an opportunity to reiterate why the position fits your skills and is a good match given your assets as a candidate.

Have Something to Add

In addition to preparing your own statements, be prepared for questions too. Interviewers often will ask if you have anything to add at the end of your interview. You should enter the interview with a mental list of several strengths in your background that would enable you to excel in the job. Be ready to share any of the assets that you haven’t had the chance to convey during your meeting. You can offer any additional information in combination with a summary statement about your overall fit.

Ask What Happens Next

Before leaving the interview, make sure you know what to expect from that point on with the hiring process. Ask about the timeframe for finalizing their decision and if there would be any other layers of interviewing so you can plan any follow-up communications.

What to Do After You Leave the Interview

Send a Thank-You Email

How important is are thank-you notes? Very. In a survey from TopResume, 1 in 5 hiring managers said that they’d passed on a candidate because they didn’t receive a thank-you note or email after a job interview. To make the biggest, most positive impact, use the immediacy of email to your advantage. Send a thank-you email within 24 hours and be sure to include (or write separate notes) to each member of the hiring team.

Follow Up—But Don’t Stalk

If you have a time frame for when the hiring manager will get back to you, follow up soon after that point. For example, if they say that they’ll be inviting candidates for a second round of interviews within the next two weeks, it’s fine to send a follow-up email to check in after the two weeks are up. After that … let it go. Repeated contacts won’t help your case and might annoy the hiring manager. Plus, a longer wait doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re out of the running. Many organizations take quite some time to come to a hiring decision.

Most importantly, do not stop searching for jobs, even if the interview went exceptionally well. Remember the old adage about putting all your eggs in one basket (and don’t). Keep networking and applying for jobs. Above all, stay open to opportunity. You never know when an even better job will appear. Consider Asking for the Job: Done tactfully, this method can help you seal the deal right on the spot. Follow Up the Right Way: Send a thank-you note and follow up after an appropriate interview. Don’t Stop Job Searching: No matter how well things go, don’t pause your search until you have a solid offer in hand.