I’ve enjoyed being a customer of Chase Bank since 1995. Today, I’m writing to request a goodwill adjustment to my credit files. I was a model customer from the time I received my credit card in 1995 until 2006, when I suffered a medical illness which wrecked my finances and my ability to make timely credit card payments. As a result, I fell behind on my payments by 60 days. Fortunately, I was able to turn my financial situation around and I’ve been timely with my payments ever since. I’m preparing to shop for a mortgage and was told those late payments will keep me from getting the best interest rate. I’m requesting a goodwill adjustment since the payments do not reflect my current payment status. Thank you for your time reading this letter and the consideration you’ve given my situation. Remember to briefly state what caused the late payments and mention that you’ve since mended your ways. Do not copy and paste goodwill letters. The people reading these letters have seen them before and might penalize you if it looks like you just grabbed one from the internet.