Safeco offers a usage-based auto insurance program called RightTrack. Auto insurance customers who are safe drivers have a chance to earn as much as a 30% discount on their premium through this program. It uses a telematics device that monitors driving habits and then reports them back to the insurer. As of 2022, RightTrack is available in almost every state. Arkansas, California, Delaware, Hawaii, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia are exceptions. There are currently two ways to participate in RightTrack: either by a plug-in device (for New York State residents only) or by using the mobile app.

Safeco RightTrack Program Features

Safeco’s RightTrack program is not to be confused with the actual accident forgiveness program offered by Safeco. That is designed for future accidents. RightTrack is not accident forgiveness; it only measures safe driving habits. This data is used to determine your auto policy discount.

The Sign-Up Discount

RightTrack offers a starting discount just for signing up for the program. This is even before your driving habits are recorded by the mobile app or by the telematics device that easily plugs into your vehicle. You must install the device within 30 days to be eligible for any discounts. The first discount applies to base coverage. This includes bodily injury, property damage, comprehensive collision, personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments, and uninsured motorist/underinsured motorist. The enrollment discount varies by state. It will be replaced by the final discount upon completion of the program.

The Final Discount

The final discount can vary from 5% to 30%; it depends on the information collected during the 90-day review period. The discount applies to the coverage for the enrolled vehicle for the life of your policy. The information collected to determine your overall discount will consider:

The number of miles you drive.The time of day or night you drive.Any rapid acceleration.Any hard braking.

RightTrack Eligibility

RightTrack is available to new auto customers who have a valid email address and drive an eligible vehicle. For New York residents, most vehicle model years of 1996 and newer are compatible with the RightTrack device and are eligible for participation in the program. You can enroll more than one vehicle. Just be sure that all vehicles meet the eligibility requirements. There is no fee to enter the program. For New York residents, the company will send you the device to plug into the vehicle, along with installation instructions. Participants in other states must download the RightTrack mobile app. Your driving data is available for you to review online, You can track your progress through a secure website. The evaluation period is 90 days. If you received a device, Safeco will send you a pre-paid package to mail it back. Then, it will use the driving data gathered to determine your discount. If you decide to opt out before the 90-day review period ends, you can contact your local Safeco agent. After opting out, you will forfeit the initial discount. You will also not be eligible for any future RightTrack discounts.

How Much Can You Save?

The savings of RightTrack will vary; it’s all based on your driving habits. Safeco policyholders are guaranteed a discount of 5% to 30% off their premium. The best ways to get a higher discount are to avoid driving between midnight and 4 a.m., avoid hard braking, and avoid rapid acceleration.

Privacy of Personal Data

Safeco states that the data it collects may be used for internal research purposes, but it is never used to cancel or non-renew your auto policy. Any personal information is not shared with any third parties, except when it may be used to service your auto policy.

The Bottom Line

Safeco’s RightTrack program is a usage-based auto insurance program that offers a way to save up to 30% on your auto insurance premium if you have safe driving habits. If you are already a Safeco customer, it makes sense to enroll and save money for driving safely.