Here’s how to prepare so that you’ll be able to “think on your feet” should a problem-solving question be asked.

Why Companies Ask Problem-Solving Questions

Problem-solving questions often fall into the category of interview questions without a right (or wrong) answer. Companies seek proactive, solutions-oriented employees for many of the jobs they are filling, and are more interested in the approach you’d take to solve a problem than they are in you providing the “correct” answer. These types of questions are good examples of situational interview questions. Employers try to predict how you could solve a work problem for them in the future, based upon how you have either done so in the past or are currently doing so in the interview. These questions may also be asked to assess your command of a key industry-specific process or technology. This holds true especially for interviews conducted by tech employers. If you are in a technical field, be ready to discuss how you would solve common project development, implementation problems, or obstacles.

Techniques for Answering Problem-Solving Interview Questions

How you should answer a problem-solving question will depend upon whether you are participating in a solo or a group interview.

Tips for Problem Solving in a Solo Interview

If you are asked to solve a problem in a solo interview, it’s an excellent strategy to demonstrate how you are able to follow the five primary steps in problem solving: Alternatively, you may be asked how you solved a problem in the past. The Situation, Task, Action, Result (STAR) interview response technique is a highly effective way to structure a detailed anecdote in response to a situational or a behavioral interview question. In this technique, you describe: 

A Situation (S) in which a problem aroseThe Task (T)—in this case, a problem that you had to solveThe Action (A) or process you initiated to solve the problemThe Results (R) of your problem-solving action

Tips for Problem Solving in a Group Interview

If you are in a situation where several candidates are being interviewed together, you may be asked to work together as a team to complete a problem-solving or work simulation. Afterwards, it is common for interviewers to ask the group to describe the process they took to address the problem. The STAR interview response technique can work well in this situation.  If you have the opportunity to lead (without steamrolling) the group, recognize each person’s contributions as you later describe your collective problem-solving strategy to the interviewer.

Sample Problem-Solving Q&As

Here are a few examples of how to answer problem-solving questions. Use them as models in formulating your own responses as you practice for your interview. How would you deal with an unanticipated understaffing situation? Why It Works: This candidate shows that they understand that it’s sometimes necessary to have multiple strategies in their “toolbox” to address unexpected problems in the workplace. The candidate describes how they are capable of examining options and coming up with a plan. What would happen if you realized that you and your team wouldn’t be able to meet the deadline for your deliverables? What would you do? Why It Works: This answer uses the STAR technique to describe how the candidate solved a work issue in the past. It’s especially effective because they also quantify one of the results of their actions with a percentage. How would you deal with a difficult subordinate who publicly questioned your authority? Why It Works: With this response, the interviewee describes the logical problem-solving process they use when handling escalated issues with personnel, including how they make contingency plans if the initial interventions don’t work out. 

Possible Follow-Up Questions

Why are you the best person for this job? - Best Answers Tell me about something that’s not on your resume. - Best Answers How have you handled a challenge? - Best Answers

Use Examples Provide detailed illustrations of how you have successfully solved problems in the past. Practice Makes Perfect Brainstorm your own answers to questions about problem solving, then practice delivering these responses.