Some homes cry out for drone photography, especially if they’re situated on the waterfront, in the mountains, near a park, or on large acreage. An aerial view would be an important advantage to showcase the surrounding neighborhood in these cases.  Another interesting element that’s often utilized in luxury home marketing is a night view of the home illuminated by outdoor lighting. Good marketing can bring higher prices in a seller’s market and it can mean the difference between “sold” or “expired” in a buyer’s market. Good marketing might not sell your house but it will make the phone ring and if buyers don’t call, you won’t sell. Your house photo will look 10 times better than your competition if you crop out sidewalks and streets. Remove vehicles from your driveway and from the front of your home. Shoot both close up and angled photos and avoid shade falling on the house — wait for another time of day if necessary. Clear away any vegetation that’s blocking the front door or the path to door.​​​ Emphasize space and shoot long. Mow the lawn and trim the bushes. Remove any evidence of pets and put away children’s toys. Avoid shooting into the sun. Open drapes and blinds and turn on the lights. Focus on interesting details like the condition of a wood floor or a fireplace mantle. Remove trash cans and close the toilet lids in the bathrooms and use floral arrangements in kitchens and dining rooms. Avoid shooting into mirrors because your image will reflect. A good virtual tour will grab a buyer by the hand and lead them from room to room, whether it’s 360 or a video. Depending on the tour company, you can add sound, music, or an exciting, professionally written description that scrolls with the movement of the tour. Virtual tours can also include individual photos available for download or to print. Keep in mind that some homeowner’s associations prohibit real estate signs. They only allow window signs.  Try talking to a neighbor whose home is located near the corner of a busy street, asking for permission to put a sign in that yard with an arrow pointing toward yours. Agent signs should include the phone number of their closest office when their brokerage operates multiple offices. They should also include the agent’s cellphone number. Put ads in major newspapers. Find out which days pull the most readers. It’s usually Sunday but some newspapers also publish “picture classifieds” on other days. Don’t overlook local newspapers. You can often run a larger ad for less money that will more closely target those who are looking in your specific area. Check on press dates before you place ads in real estate publications. And finally, make use of every website you can find, as most online listings are free. Give them to neighbors. Everybody has friends and relatives who might want to move near them. Give them to agents who represent buyers in your neighborhood and to buyers who live in other areas and often relocate to your neighborhood. If your home is located near a high traffic area where buyers often swarm, it’s probably a good candidate. Place open house signs throughout the area directing buyers to your location. Advertise your open house in the newspaper and post open house times online. (Don’t forget to invite the neighbors. They’re going to come anyway.) Agents who linger in your home will better remember details to later describe to buyers and the best way to entice an agent to hang around is food. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive. Sandwiches will suffice. The hope is that they’ll admire your home as they munch and network, then they’ll bring back a buyer. Send them to real estate agents who sell in your area and to friends, family, and coworkers. Out-of-area brokers and agents who represent buyers in your area can be targets, too.  Find a discount broker who’s willing to enter the information about your property for you without actually representing you. Many will do so for a flat fee. Posting your home here will make sure that many, many agents and buyers are aware of its availability.