The duties of a personal representative can be wide-ranging, from settling the decedent’s final bills and taxes to gathering and distributing assets to beneficiaries. Not everyone is up to the task. The personal executor has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the decedent.

Personal Representatives in Testate Estates

A “testate” estate is one that includes a valid last will and testament. A will should—and usually does—name the individual the decedent would like to serve as their personal representative or executor. Courts almost invariably honor the decedent’s wishes if the person named in the will is still alive and is otherwise able and willing to serve, provided they’re legally allowed to do so. The person named as personal representative in the will wouldn’t be legally permitted to serve if they don’t meet all the criteria for a personal executor under that state’s law. They might have been convicted of a crime, or they might have suffered some mental decline that would prevent them from meeting their duties. Maybe they’re not yet legally of age. All these circumstances would prohibit them from serving. Some states have more specific rules. For example, a person can’t serve as a personal representative in Florida unless they’re related to the decedent by blood or marriage, or, if not, they’re a Florida resident.

When Beneficiaries Object to a Personal Representative 

Beneficiaries or heirs have a right to contest a will and object to the personal representative the decedent named in the will. This usually results in a full-blown trial where the beneficiaries and others can present evidence and testimony to convince the judge to overturn the provisions of the will or to honor them. A judge will make the ultimate decision as to who will serve when a will is contested because of who has been named as personal representative—the personal representative named in the will or perhaps another party nominated by the beneficiaries. It might even be someone else entirely whom the judge selects, but courts usually prefer to honor the decedent’s wishes whenever possible.

Personal Representatives in Intestate Estates

An intestate estate is one for which the decedent didn’t leave a last will and testament. The intestacy laws of the state where they lived at the time of death take over in such a case and determine who can serve as personal representative. The court and state law will determine who has priority, and the position is often called the “administrator” of the estate. The surviving spouse typically has first priority, but a surviving child or children can be appointed if the spouse is unwilling or unable to take on the responsibility. The judge will work down a list of kin until someone appropriate can be appointed, such as a surviving parent, a sibling, a niece or nephew, or someone who steps forward to request the job.  Typically, if the decedent’s heirs-at-law—those who are entitled to inherit without a will—can agree on who should serve, the probate judge will appoint that person. The probate judge will make the decision based on state rules and statutes if the heirs-at-law don’t agree or if they all waive their rights to serve.