What’s the best way to avoid the pitfall of giving a lame interview answer, but still make a viable point about your suitability for jobs requiring lots of interaction with people—and even for jobs that don’t? Here’s how to answer interview questions about working with other people, example answers, tips for giving the best response, and what not to say.

What the Interviewer Wants to Know

Companies want to know how well you work with other people, and you’ll need to say more than that you enjoy working with others, which is the standard response. Anyone can say that, so it’s important to describe the interpersonal skills needed to succeed in the role. What do you do that makes you a good people person at work? That’s what the interviewer really wants to know. What’s important is to show your prospective employer the skills you have and how you have used them in the workplace, using real-life examples.

How to Answer “Do You Work Well With Other People?”

Candidates often say they “enjoy working with people,” but don’t explain or expand upon their response. Anyone can say that they work well with people, but it’s important to show hiring managers how you accomplish it. It’s important to think about how you work with your co-workers because even if your role in the company doesn’t require a lot of communication, you will still need to engage with the other employees in a professional and personable manner. Companies are as interested in your soft (people) skills as they are in your hard (quantifiable) skills. Here’s information on hard skills vs. soft skills and what employers are seeking in applicants.

Examples of the Best Answers

Here are some examples of answers to interview questions about working with others that you can use as a starting point for your own response. Why It Works: This response shows that the candidate has the ability to communicate well and mediate conflicts, which are both important when working with others. Why It Works: This candidate’s response shows important listening and problem-solving skills, which are good indicators of being able to work well with others. Why It Works: Giving examples of how you responded and resolved a workplace situation is always a good way to respond.

Tips for Giving the Best Response

The first key to giving a strong response is to specify the types of people interactions that appeal to you, or in which you are particularly adept. In addition to specifying how you work well with managers, co-workers, customers, vendors, and others, you should also refer to what you can accomplish during such interactions. Here are some examples of what your people skills might allow you to do:

Assess the skills, personality traits, and work ethic of candidates by applying behavioral interviewing techniques. Motivate subordinates to improve performance. Lead group discussions in a way that incorporates diverse views and draws consensus. Develop a comfortable rapport with clients and determine their preferences for products and services. Listen actively and keenly to encourage clients to share their feelings and problems. Create and deliver training sessions that engage the audience in active learning. Convey difficult news to employees targeted for layoffs. Mediate conflicts between employees or with clients. Resolve customer complaints with patience and creativity.

The next key to interview success is to give examples of situations at work where you have used these people skills: Prepare concrete examples to convince employers that you possess those strengths. Your examples should convey how, when, and where you applied your skills or interests, and the outcomes.

What Not to Say

Don’t be negative. If you’ve had communication issues at work, this isn’t the time to mention it. Employers look for new hires who can get along with everyone in the workplace. Don’t say something that doesn’t fit the job. Be sure that your response ties in with the job responsibilities. For example, if you’re applying for a customer service role, don’t say that you’d prefer not to engage with others.

Possible Follow-Up Questions

Are you nice? Best Answers How would your co-workers describe your personality? Best Answers What type of work environment do you prefer? Best Answers More interview questions: Top 10 Interview Questions and Best Answers

Be Prepared to Share a Story: Sharing a story about how you communicate at work during the interview is a good way to show you have the skills for the job. Let the Interviewer See Your Personality: Showing your personality is especially valuable in interviews for jobs that involve dealing with a lot of people.