If there are only internal candidates, the process may be less formal and more like a meeting or a discussion with the hiring manager. You might not even formally need to apply for the job. Otherwise, it may involve a formal application and a formal interview process with the hiring manager, company management, and other employees. After you apply for a job within your company, the next step is the interview. Here’s what you should know about the types of questions that might be asked at an internal job interview, along with some sample interview questions and tips for acing the interview.

Types of Internal Job Interview Questions

Review some of the types of internal job interview questions you may be asked when interviewing for a new job with your current employer.

Common Interview Questions

When you’re interviewing for an internal position with your current employer, many of the questions you will be asked are the typical interview questions that all candidates, both internal and external, are expected to answer. Don’t be surprised, for example, if you are asked a common question like, “Why are you right for this job?” Even though the interviewer might know you, she still wants you to convince her that you are the best person for the job. Examples of common questions include:

Tell me about yourself.Why should we hire you?Why are you the best person for this position?What is your greatest strength?What accomplishment are you most proud of?Where do you see yourself in five years?

Questions About Your Current Job

In addition, when interviewing for an internal position, you will be asked specific questions about why you want to leave your present job. When answering these questions, you want to avoid critiquing your present job or supervisor. Instead, focus on how the new job is in line with your skill set. Emphasize the value you can bring to that job. Common questions about your present job might include:

Why do you want to leave your current job?Why do you want to get promoted?Does your manager know you have applied for this job?Would your manager recommend you for this position?What is it like working for your supervisor?If the people who work with you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?What do you like best about your current position at the company?What don’t you like about the job you’re in now?What was your biggest success story in the XYZ department?What other positions have you held with the company?

Questions About the New Job

Expect questions about the new job and the new department as well. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the job and its requirements. This will help you answer questions about the new job, like these:

Can you tell me what you know about the position you are being considered for?What do you know about our department?Why should we consider you for this position?Why do you want this job?What kind of challenges are you looking for in this new role?Do you have any prior experience working in this capacity?What do you have that other candidates don’t?How would you spend your first 30 days in this new role? 

Questions About Your Transition

The hiring manager might also ask you about how you would handle the transition from your current job to the new one. Be ready to explain how you would make the transition as seamless as possible for yourself, your current boss, and your new boss. Sample questions about your transition include:

Does your manager know you have applied for this position?What training will you need to be successful in this position?How would you handle the transition to your new job?How will you handle it if you don’t get the job?

Questions About the Company

Like most job interviews, you might also be asked questions about the company. This is a chance to show off your insider knowledge of the organization. Be ready to prove your knowledge about the inner workings of the company, its competitors, and its latest initiatives. Examples of questions about the company include:

You have worked here a long time. How have you seen this company change?What suggestions do you have for helping the company achieve its mission?What do you think this company’s top priorities should be in the coming years?What makes this company stand out from its competitors?

Tips for Acing an Internal Interview

As an internal candidate, you have inside information about the company. Here’s how to use that to help you land the job.

Use Your Insider Advantage

Use your knowledge of the company and its employees to your advantage. One way to use your insider advantage is to ask a colleague in that department about the job. Try to get a sense of what the employer is really looking for in job candidates, and emphasize those qualities in your interview.

Stand Out From the Competition

Differentiate yourself from the competition when you are competing with external candidates by mentioning and emphasizing your company-specific experience, knowledge, and skills when you answer the interview questions.

Strike the Right Tone

If you are friends or colleagues with the interviewer, it is okay to acknowledge this and be friendly towards him or her. However, you still want to be professional in the interview. Dress appropriately, and answer the interview questions as thoroughly as you would in any interview. Be sure to have interview questions for the employer ready as well.

Do Your Homework

Remember that external candidates have likely researched the company to prepare for the interview. Even if you have been at the company for a long time, it’s a good idea to review their website and any internal newsletters to find “talking points” about their organizational mission. This way, you can demonstrate that you are savvy to their business and/or production goals.

Share Your Achievements

It’s also important to give examples of successful accomplishments and projects, how you have helped meet the company’s goals, and your achievements in your current position. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that senior management should already know and appreciate your previous contributions. Take this opportunity to remind them of the value you’ve added to their organization, using specific examples of special projects and achievements.

Follow up Appropriately

Like any interview, be sure to follow up with a thank-you letter or email. You can use this note as an opportunity to remind them of one or two key points from the interview to highlight why you are an ideal candidate for the job. However, if you see the interviewer around the office, do not pester them about when you will hear back about the job. Send your note, wait patiently, and follow up again if you do not hear back in a week or two (or by whatever date they told you to expect a response). CAPITALIZE UPON YOUR INSIDER KNOWLEDGE Learn as much as you can about the new job from others in the department, and demonstrate in the interview how your dedication to (and achievements on behalf of) the company set you apart from external candidates. DRESS AND ACT PROFESSIONALLY Even if you know your interviewer, dress appropriately for the interview and keep your tone professional. You should also send your interviewer(s) a strategic follow-up thank-you letter or email immediately after the interview.