Here’s what you need to know to prepare a strong answer to this question. 

Why the Interviewer Wants to Know

Interviewers have a few motivations for asking you how colleagues would describe your personality.  First, your response can help them get a sense of your self-perception. Plus, once they reach out to references, they’ll be able to compare what they say with your own self-assessment.  Finally, this question is a good way for interviewers to assess your soft skills to determine how well you’d fit into their group dynamic and company culture. 

How to Answer, ‘How Would Your Colleagues Describe Your Personality?’

This seemingly straightforward question is an opportunity for you to share your best traits. Are you dependable? Trustworthy? Flexible? Focus on the skills and attributes that would make you an asset to the organization. To answer this interview question effectively, you should know what your colleagues believe you bring to the table. Think back to any instances in which a colleague commended you, such as when you were a great team player on a project or when you demonstrated kindness by helping a struggling employee.  Read reference letters written for you, LinkedIn endorsements, or performance reviews. Next, list all the data you have collected and condense it into short bullets by looking for patterns within the feedback. Once complete, go back to the original job posting and choose one or two traits that overlap with the description. If you cannot remember or find any specific feedback (either formal or informal) and are unemployed, list what you think your top five strengths are and expand on how you demonstrate each of them. Remember to select the traits related to the job listing.

Examples of the Best Answers

A good answer to this question will not only show off a positive personality trait but will also explain to the interviewer how this personality trait will allow you to excel at the position to which you are applying. Why It Works:  This response points to the applicant’s key soft skills, shares a story, and ends on a positive note.  Why It Works: In this response, the applicant shows how a personality trait offers something advantageous to employers.  Why It Works: This answer is very focused on the applicant’s leadership skills, which is typically a desirable trait in an employee. 

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

A strong answer to the question “How would your colleagues describe your personality?” requires two parts:

Highlight one personality trait at a time, sharing an example of a time when you demonstrated this quality. Storytelling is an opportunity to display confidence, charisma, and strong interpersonal skills.  Focus on the personality traits that apply to the job for which you are applying. Of course, be positive, but make sure you are honest and humble also, as these virtues are highly valued in the workforce. Moreover, embellishing your assets or flat-out lying could land you in a company culture that is incompatible with your true nature.

What Not to Say

Don’t boast. This is off-putting to hiring managers and other interviewers. Don’t say irrelevant personality traits. Fundamentally, employers are asking this question because they want to know what you’re like in the workplace. So make sure to keep the description focused on the workplace—and, ideally, connected to the skills needed by the job at hand.

Possible Follow-Up Questions

Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager? - Best Answers Do you prefer to work independently or on a team? - Best Answers What would you do if someone on your team wasn’t doing their fair share of work? 

KEEP THE JOB IN MIND. Make sure you opt to highlight qualities and traits that are in-demand for the job at hand.  TRY TO SHARE EXAMPLES. Point out specific moments you’ve gotten feedback on, or tell a story that shows you have a character trait.