If you’re not sure you can get there for any reason, it’s better to try to reschedule in advance than to call from the road when you slipped off into a ditch during a snowstorm, or are on your way to the urgent care with a sick child. There are appropriate ways to reschedule a job interview to preserve a chance of getting hired, even though you can’t make your scheduled interview. Here’s how to reschedule a job interview.

Reasons for Rescheduling an Interview

One of the most common reasons for rescheduling a job interview is when the applicant is sick. But, there are other reasons besides illness that necessitate rescheduling an interview. Most companies understand that circumstances come up—a sick family member, a scheduling conflict, car troubles, you’re interviewing remotely and have technology issues, and a variety of other reasons. It’s a good idea to be honest about why you need to reschedule, so make sure it’s a valid reason. Most employers are understanding, and will be glad to reschedule at a more convenient time. If they aren’t flexible, it could be an indicator of how they will be as an employer, and that could be a sign that this isn’t the best job for you.

What to Do if You Are Sick

Showing up for an in-person job interview when you are sick is going to worry the interviewer, not impress them. If you have any respiratory or flu-like symptoms—including a cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, or a sore throat—do both yourself and the hiring manager a favor and stay home. You will be spreading unwanted germs, and will not interview well if you’re sick. Your judgment may be called into question as well. Do they really want to hire someone who is willing to put their colleagues at risk?

How to Reschedule an Interview

What’s important is to let the company know in a timely manner that you won’t be able to make the interview and to try to secure a new interview date when you talk to them. If you need to cancel an interview rather than reschedule, give the hiring manager as much notice as possible. Depending on the interviewer’s schedule, they may not see one or the other message until arriving in the office. Let them know you can’t make it and ask if it would be possible to reschedule:

Apologize for needing to reschedule.Suggest a day or two when you’ll be available if you email or leave a voicemail.If you get an answer, ask when would be a convenient time for you to interview.When rescheduling because of illness, make sure to give yourself some time to recover.Be as flexible as possible, and try to accommodate their schedule to set another date for the meeting. They are giving you a second chance, so be gracious.

Provide as Much Notice as Possible

Whatever the reason, give the company as much notice as possible that you aren’t going to be there. Being considerate of the interviewer’s time will be appreciated. Dear Ms. Calibran, Would it be possible to reschedule the interview we had scheduled for the social media assistant on August 17 at 10 a.m.? Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend at that time. However, I would very much appreciate the opportunity to talk to you about the position. I’m available on any other day and time this week, whenever it is most convenient for you. Thank you very much for your consideration. Best, Tobie Myers Contact the interviewer just as soon as you know you won’t be able to make the interview. Interviewers and hiring managers are human beings, too, and they are most likely to understand and appreciate your being honest and giving them enough notice to adjust their own schedules.

Follow Up to Confirm the New Date

Send a thank-you note before your rescheduled interview to thank them for letting you reschedule. Let them know you understand that their schedules are busy and say you appreciate their accommodating your need to change plans. Confirm the date and time of the rescheduled interview in your message.