Using FBA is a standardized and fairly simple process:

You save valuable time and money on processing and shipping orders.You can operate out of a smaller space because you don’t need to store products.You keep a greater portion of your profits, which can then be reinvested in your business.Customers know what to expect for shipping and processing, which makes them more likely to buy.

Don’t Skip Your Own Marketing

Create Accurate Listing Titles and Product Descriptions

Sell Your Product in the Listing

Include Multiple Large and Clear Photos

Customers want to know what they’re buying, so you need to show exactly what you’re selling. Don’t pull photos of similar products from an online image search, as customers are unlikely to trust these images. Instead, invest in professional photos of your products, just as you would if they were going on your website. If you take photos yourself, use a quality camera, good lighting, and a lightbox to create images that will stand out.

Encourage Good Reviews

Choose the Right Category and Sub-Categories

Having your products listed in the right categories is critical when people are searching or browsing for related products. If you’re selling organic soap, you don’t want to be with industrial cleaning supplies, for example. Double-check all categories and subcategories for every product you list to ensure you are being found by the right customers.

Growing Your E-Commerce Business