While the industry has seen a steady upward trend since its lowest point in April 2019, many airlines have had to make drastic moves to help salvage their businesses. Various airlines canceled flights at a record rate, some opted to ground a portion of their fleets, and others cut routes amid plummeting demand. As a consumer, it can be difficult to know what your rights are when an airline cancels your flight—both during the pandemic and in normal times. But know this: If your flight is canceled and it starts, stops, or transits within the United States—no matter what—you are owed a refund. Learn the specifics of qualifying for a refund, how to get it, and the very few exceptions for when a refund is not required. 

Some Refunds Are Required by Law

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) states that airlines have an “obligation to provide a refund to a ticketed passenger when the carrier cancels or significantly changes the passenger’s flight.” The catch is that the terms “significant change” and “cancellation” are not defined in regulation, therefore enabling airlines to circumvent DOT regulations by offering travel credits or other incentives instead of a direct refund.

When an Airline Offers to Rebook You

Airlines that have canceled your flight may offer to rebook you on a different flight. If this happens, the choice is yours whether you want to take it. If you accept the offer, the airline is considered to have fulfilled its contract of carriage and no refund is due. If, however, you decline the new flight, they still owe you what you initially paid, including all fees involved. 

When There Are Significant Delays or Schedule Changes

When it comes to significant flight delays or significant schedule changes, the laws are less clear, as airlines have a right to interpret what that means themselves.  Each airline handles this differently. Delta, for example, will offer a refund if a schedule change or flight delay is 120 minutes or more or causes you to miss a connecting flight. United, meanwhile, will allow you to request a refund if a flight change modifies the departure or arrival time by 30 minutes. Before offering a refund, however, the airline will first offer to rebook you or give credit for future use with the airline. In all cases, if you accept new flights or flight times, you will not be entitled to any refunds, per DOT law. 

Full Refund Means Full Refund

When the pandemic began and airlines were hemorrhaging money, they often got creative when it came time to compensate passengers for canceled flights. As a result, DOT sent out an enforcement notice reminding airlines of the laws regarding refunds, noting that complaints had skyrocketed from an average of 1,500 per month to 25,000 between the months of March and April 2020. The notice also addressed that, according to complaints, many airlines had denied refunds or attempted to offer flight credit or a travel certificate in place of a refund.  In the event that your flight is canceled, significantly delayed, or affected by a significant schedule change, the airline is required to offer you a full refund, no matter what. And any airline offering flight credit in lieu of a refund due to the above reasons is in violation of the law, according to DOT.

How To Get Your Refund

Some airlines, like Delta, proactively direct you to request a refund online, though in practice, it’s not usually that simple. Different airlines offer varying amounts of control over your ticket and its cancellation, sometimes making it difficult to receive the full refund to which you are entitled. The best and most effective way to have your money returned is by calling the airline directly.  In general, when asking for a refund, the most important thing is to know your rights. If you are uninformed, there’s a chance you could get stuck with a nontransferable certificate with an expiration date rather than the money you are due.  When you call the airline, give the person on the other end your flight information, including your booking code and last name, so they can pull up your record. If the flight has been canceled—meaning you did not cancel your flight, it was an involuntary cancellation—the airline owes you a refund. If the airline representative pushes back against your request, do not be afraid to assert your rights.  If the airline continues to refuse your request, you should then file a complaint with the airline itself. Airlines are required by law to acknowledge these complaints within 30 days of receiving them and to respond within 60 days of receipt. If this still does not resolve the issue, you can file a consumer complaint through the DOT. The complaint will be forwarded to the airline, and they will be required to respond. 

When Refunds Are Not Required

There are several situations where an airline is not obligated to offer you a refund:

If you purchase a nonrefundable ticket and decide to cancel, the airline is not required to offer you a refund.When your flight is less than significantly changed or delayed—a timeline that the airline determines on a case-by-case basis. If an airline has notified you of a schedule change and you have chosen to accept the new flight times, you are no longer entitled to a refund. Flights that do not start, stop, or transit to the United States are not entitled to a refund per the DOT. In this case, you’ll need to check the laws of the country in which you are flying. 

The Bottom Line

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic have been difficult for everyone, and airlines are suffering more than most. That doesn’t mean, however, that they are exempt from the law. If an airline cancels your flight to, from, or within the United States, you are owed a refund.  Know your rights and advocate for yourself, especially if an airline attempts to issue flight certificates rather than returning your money. If the airline fails to meet its obligations, escalate the issue by filing a complaint with the airline and the DOT. In the end, it’s your money and you’re entitled to it.