This step-by-step guide will provide all the information you need to apply for jobs in person, make a terrific impression, ace an interview, and successfully get hired. Start by checking Craigslist and your local newspaper’s online help wanted ads. If your city or town has a Chamber of Commerce website with job listings, check that, too. Use the job search engines to find jobs in your town by searching by zip code. Also, take the time to walk around town or the mall to see which stores and businesses have “now hiring” or “help wanted” signs in the window. You may be able to get hired right away if the employer has an immediate need. One way to be sure you have all the information you need to apply is to download a sample job application form and complete it prior to applying for jobs. Print and fill it out so you know exactly what information you will need to complete an in-person job application. Bring it with you and use the completed sample job application as a guide when you’re completing your own job applications. Don’t wear jeans or shorts, tank tops, crop tops, or anything especially low cut (shirt or pants) or too short (skirt). Make sure your hair and fingernails are well groomed. Wear moderate shoes. Don’t wear spike heels, platforms, flip flops, or your favorite pair of old ratty sneakers. Remember, this isn’t just filling out an application. You may get the chance to meet the manager and interview for the job, and you will want your first impression to be a great one.

Schools and dates attended.Names and addresses of previous employers, if you have worked before.Dates of employment for each employer.A list of three references.Your resume if you have one.Your schedule - know what days and hours you are available to work.

Also, bring a notepad to keep track of where you have applied, a pen to complete job applications, and, if you have one, a nice portfolio to hold all your job application materials. Here’s a list of what to bring with you. In either case, carefully read the instructions for applying for employment - before you click the Submit button or turn in your application. The company will regard applications that are submitted correctly and accurately in a much better light than those from candidates who don’t follow the instructions. Be prepared to answer interview questions about your employment history and education, including questions about why you want to work at the company and why you are qualified for the job. Also know when you’re available to work in case you’re offered the position, and the hiring manager wants to know when you can start. If you were able to interview when you applied, say thank you for the interview, as well.

How to Follow Up Thank You Notes