What the Interviewer Wants to Know

The interviewer really wants to know how sensitive you are and how well you accept criticism. An interviewer might also ask this question to find any “red flags”—qualities that would make you a weak candidate for the position.

How to Answer, “What Do People Most Often Criticize About You?”

This isn’t an easy question, so be careful how you answer it. You don’t want to imply that you consistently receive criticism on the job, but neither do you want to imply that you’re perfect. Just take a moment to realize that everyone is criticized now and then. The interviewer is asking this question to assess your level of composure and confidence. When you’re composing your answer, it makes sense to mention things that aren’t specifically related to the job for which you’re applying. You might also choose to mention a “weakness” that might actually be considered a strength on the new job. For example, you might say that some people have said you are critical of your own work, but you can explain that you have a keen attention to detail, and you bring that detail-oriented nature to the workplace. The best kind of answer will explain how you improved upon a weakness you once had. This will demonstrate that you are excellent at taking criticism, and you’re willing to do what it takes to improve your skill set. If humor is appropriate, this is a good time to use it. However, keep in mind that an interviewer might then press you for a more serious answer, so have one ready. You could, for example, say, “I have a teenage daughter—few things I do are okay on her radar screen.”

Examples of the Best Answers

Look at these sample answers and retool them so they match your job experience and your perception of criticism. Then practice answering the question out loud so you’re ready to answer the question at the interview itself. Why It Works: Here, the candidate answers the question in a way that lets the interviewer know that he or she doesn’t take criticism personally, but instead looks at it in terms of professional growth. Why It Works: The interviewer will see that the candidate knows that even perfectionism can be a flaw since it can slow down workflow and cause stress. It shows the candidate can critically look at himself or herself. Why It Works: The candidate was able to express how the criticism was turned around into a positive attribute that he or she has drawn on since. Why It Works: The interviewer can see how the candidate honed in on a weakness and turned it into a strength.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Turn a Weakness into a Strength. A characteristic that may have once been considered a weakness may be a strength on a new job depending on the job characteristics. Show Your Professionalism. Show that you can take criticism professionally by giving an example of how you have used it to facilitate personal and professional growth. Use Humor if Appropriate. If you can give a humorous example, do, but don’t overdo it. Be Honest. Don’t imply that you’re perfect, but don’t imply that you’re constantly criticized either.

What Not to Say

Don’t Lose Your Composure. Don’t appear nervous and uncomfortable when asked this question. Stay calm and have an answer preprepared. Don’t Get Defensive. If you were to get defensive when asked about criticism you’d received, the interviewer would see that as a definite “red flag” regarding your behavior.

Possible Follow-Up Questions

How do you handle a challenge? Best Answers What are you looking for in your next job? Best Answers What are your hobbies? Best Answers

Don’t stress Maintain your confidence and composure when answering. Keep it professional Show your professionalism when answering this question.