This is a tricky question because there is no one right answer. Your answer will be as individual as you are. But that doesn’t mean that you should answer this question on the fly, without preparing a thoughtful response.

What the Interviewer Wants to Know

The interviewer wants to know whether your goals are a match for the company. Your answer also allows an interviewer to see whether your skills and interests make you a good candidate for the job at hand. They might also be trying to determine whether you’ll be a good long-term fit for the company. Are you looking for an opportunity to grow with an organization—or will your plans take you to another employer before long? For example, if you’re a Registered Nurse, and you’re interviewing at an organization that needs Nurse Managers but doesn’t hire a lot of Nurse Practitioners, telling the hiring manager that you’re hoping to use the continuing education benefit to go back to school for your NP won’t be well-received.

How to Answer “What Are You Looking For in Your Next Job?”

To answer this question successfully, consider your goals as they relate to the position. While your answer should always be honest, it should also show how you will add value to the company. This means doing your research ahead of the job interview and learning as much as possible about the organization and the career path you might forge there. How you respond will impact how you move forward in the hiring process. Then, see what you can learn about other employees at the organization. What do their LinkedIn profiles tell you about their career trajectory, skills, and goals? Think about how you fit in with the company culture and how your experience has prepared you to succeed there.

Examples of the Best Answers

Here are examples of some of the best answers to questions about what you are looking for in your next role. Why It Works: This answer emphasizes your experience and skills and how they will benefit the company. Use your response to highlight how you fulfill requirements from the job listing. Why It Works: You’re demonstrating that you understand the organization’s specific goals and that you’re enthusiastic about helping them achieve those goals. You’re also showing that you have the skills and experience necessary to do so. Why It Works: This answer demonstrates that your experience will help the company become even more successful (while being careful not to imply that the company is unsuccessful now). Why It Works: Your pre-interview research pays off in this response, demonstrating that you understand what the facility offers and that you can support their goals. Why It Works: By focusing on the mission, you show that you understand its importance to the organization. It’s also likely that the interviewer is equally passionate about the company’s mission, which will help you connect.

Tips for Giving the Best Response

Review the Job Listing. When preparing for an interview, review the requirements of the job listing. Then, make a list of your own interests and goals, making sure to take note of any overlap. Seeing the commonalities between the two lists will help you craft a strong response to this question. Your answer should emphasize your goals and interests as they relate to the job. Tailor Your Answer to the Company. Your response to this question will be slightly different for every place where you interview, because it will be tailored to that specific job opening. Frame your answer so that it shows how you will benefit the company. For example, you might explain that you want to work for a company that encourages teamwork and team projects because you thrive in a team environment. It will show the interviewer that you will do well in the company’s team-driven culture.

What Not to Say

Don’t Lie. Even though you want to show how you are a good fit for the company, you should not be dishonest. Always keep your answer truthful, since employers can tell when an answer is inauthentic. Focus on real answers that also show that you will do well at the job at hand. Don’t Focus on the Money. Avoid making salary and benefits the focus of your answer. Responding that way puts the focus on your desires, instead of the company’s.

Possible Follow-Up Questions

Also review these related questions you might be asked at an interview.

Why are you the best person for the job? – Best Answers Why should we hire you? - Best Answers Do you work well with other people? – Best Answers More interview questions: Top 10 Interview Questions and Best Answers

TAILOR YOUR ANSWER TO THE COMPANY: Emphasize how your goals match those of the company. BE HONEST: Don’t claim to be something you’re not (or to want something you don’t really want). DON’T FOCUS ON MONEY: Now’s not the time to bring up salary. Negotiation comes later, once there’s an offer on the table.