While all employers want their staff to work efficiently and effectively, there are some work environments, such as startups and news organizations, that historically are more fast-paced than others. On the other hand, there are work environments, such as rehab centers, that are traditionally slow-paced.

What the Interviewer Wants to Know

Your potential employer wants to know what to expect from you in terms of work productivity and how you’ll fit in with the company culture. If you are interviewing for a job in a company and industry where the pace is fast and you’re a slower, more deliberate worker, your interviewer needs to know that. The same is true if the work environment at the company at which you are interviewing is a bit slower, and you are a fast-paced worker. If the work pace at your place of employment doesn’t suit you, it will have a definite effect on your productivity.

How to Answer “How Would You Describe Your Work Pace?”

The description of the job that you responded to should give you clues about how to answer this interview question. Take the time to review the job description to get a sense of what the employer is seeking in candidates for the job. You’ll know your answer needs to emphasize speed. Also, spend some time exploring the company website; many businesses describe their work environment and company culture online. Check out the “About Us” section. Speed is not always the most important factor for an employer. Instead of a fast pace, an employer might value a steady, consistent pace. Or, an employer might hold accuracy, thoroughness, and attention to detail in high regard. Consider the difference between working in a research library, a TV newsroom, and a hospital. The best approach is to play up your strengths that match the job description to emphasize why you’re the best person for the job.

Examples of the Best Answers

Here are some sample answers to get you started. These answers play up a specific strength and then explain how that strength contributes to working at a fast (or efficient) pace. After you describe your pace, it’s always a good idea to give examples from your previous jobs to qualitatively back up your answer. Why It Works: This answer works because there are strengths stated. The strengths are organizational skills and the ability to finish projects early. There is an explanation of how that was done in a previous position. Why It Works: The employee states a strength, which is the lack of procrastination, and how it is accomplished. Examples are given concerning how the work is accomplished and the result of the strength, which is meeting deadlines. The answer shows how the work pace that the employee strives for ends up winning an award. I am not easily distracted but can balance working steadily on multiple tasks. It allows me to complete my work on time, meeting my deadlines, and produce quality results. I won ‘best salesperson’ three times at my previous company. Why it Works: This answer shows the interviewer that the potential employee is accustomed to multitasking and is skillful at it. It says the right things concerning keeping several projects going at the same time. It shows that the employee not only met deadlines but also produced the volume required by the current employer. Even though I know I’m going to get phone calls, texts, and messages about all the projects all day, I use note-taking software to keep the messages and phone calls organized. I’ve been successful in taking on multiple projects using this system in my current job and in previous jobs.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Deadlines. Meeting deadlines are important to just about all employers. Be sure and let the interviewer know that you can and will meet your deadlines, and cite your track record. Volume Requirements. Handling the volume of work required is another criterion considered important by most employers. Give examples of how you have handled work volume in previous positions. Prepare an Answer Before the Interview. Think about this question before the interview and have an answer prepared. Be honest with yourself and the interviewer. Research the Company Culture. If possible, research the company culture before the interview. Use your networking skills to try to find someone familiar with the work pace of the company and, specifically, the position you are applying for. You should use any local contacts you have if the position is local. If it is distant from you, use your online contacts on your social media accounts to help you.

What Not to Say

Be Honest. Don’t try to fit your work pace to the company’s requirements. If you don’t work fast, don’t say that you do. If multitasking isn’t your thing, don’t say that it is just because you think it’s required. If you’re hired under false pretenses, it won’t turn out well for either you or the company. Don’t Just Talk About Your Strengths. Be concise. Don’t go on and on about your strengths. Have a few sentences prepared before the interview about your work pace. Think about a weakness you might have because your interviewer might ask you that question. Don’t Talk Too Much About Your Current/Previous Job. You can give an example of your work pace from your current or previous job, but don’t talk too much about that job. If you do, your interviewer is going to have questions about why you are leaving it.

Possible Follow-Up Questions

Do you feel like you are a steady worker, even when you are working rapidly?Have you ever been in a work environment where your work pace was different than others? If so, how did you respond?Do you think you are a productive employee? What evidence do you have of that?

Prepare a Response Have an answer prepared for this question on work pace before going to your interview. Share Examples Be sure you can answer questions on meeting deadlines and volume requirements, and be prepared to share examples with the interviewer.