To that end, in a behavioral job interview, the interviewer will ask questions about your past work experiences. For instance, you might get a question like, “Tell me about a time that you had to multitask at work."  The idea behind a behavioral interview question is that past behavior is an indicator of future behavior. Therefore, examples from your past give the employer an idea of how you would handle a similar situation if you were to be hired.

What You Could Be Asked

Interviewers might pose a variety of behavioral questions. Examples of interview questions include the following: 

Can you give me an example of how you motivated an underperforming subordinate to increase productivity?Describe a time when you implemented a new program that was successful.Give me an example of a conflict you had with an employee. How did you resolve it?

Employers are looking for a detailed explanation of an experience from your past. They want to know what the experience was and how you dealt with it. Your responses will give the interviewer an indication of how you handle projects and issues at work.

“Tell me about a time…” “Describe a time…” “How did you handle [x situation].” “Give me an example of…”

How to Prepare for the Interview

It’s impossible for candidates to anticipate all possible questions you’ll be asked prior to an interview. Many will be specific to the job for which you’re being considered. However, there are some tactics that can help you prepare and give strong responses.

Review Common Questions

By carefully reviewing lists of common behavioral interview questions, you can prepare for the most likely questions. 

Take a Look at the Job Listing

You’ll also want to review the job listing before going into the interview. This will help you identify the qualities of the ideal candidate for that position. Look through the job listing for a list of qualifications and scan for any keywords that give you a hint as to what the employer wants in a job candidate. Then, match your qualifications to the job, so you’re prepared with examples related to the experience and qualifications the employer is seeking.

Learn About the Company

It can be helpful to research the company. As with the job listing, this research will give you a sense of the qualities and abilities that interviewers will prioritize. 

Brainstorm Examples

Once you get a sense of the questions you might be asked, the next step will be to come up with examples from past experiences that have helped you develop the skills and qualities needed for a job.  Create a list of 7 to 10 key assets that make you a strong candidate for your target job. For each asset, think of an anecdote or story of how you have used that strength to add value in some situation. You can use anecdotes from your roles as an employee, student, volunteer, or intern.

How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

When practicing answers for behavioral interview questions, consider following what is called the STAR interview response technique. It is a four-step technique for answering questions about past behaviors at work:

Situation. Describe the situation or set the scene. Explain the place you were working for or the task you were given.Task. Describe the issue or problem you were confronted with.Action. Describe the action you took to intervene in the situation or solve the problem. This should introduce the key asset you would like to illustrate.Results. Describe the results your action generated. Explain how you helped solve the problem or improve the company in some way.

Imagine an employer asks you the behavioral interview question, “Tell me about a time that you used your organizational skills to improve a situation at work.” A possible answer using the STAR technique would be as follows:

More Tips for Responding to Behavioral Interview Questions

Take a moment: These questions are far from a yes-or-no inquiry. If you need a moment to think, take it—your interviewer should be understanding.  Don’t ramble: Using the STAR technique should help keep you on track. Remember, you don’t need to get too into the weeds on the nitty-gritty details of the situation and task. Describe it in broad strokes and avoid any company-specific jargon that might stand in the way of the interviewer following your story. Tell a good story: By sharing on-point examples, you’ll keep the interviewer engaged and demonstrate your strengths as a candidate. Quantify if you can: If your action resulted in a quantifiable result—such as improved sales or reduced customer complaints—be sure to mention that. Rehearse in advance: No need to memorize your responses. After all, you can’t completely predict which behavioral interview questions (if any) will come up. But practicing a few stories will help you feel confident at knowing how to frame them and may train you to think of past experiences in terms of the situation-task-action-result formula.