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How Long Do You Have to Report a Car Accident?

Following a crash, you should contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Some insurers suggest contacting them from the scene of the collision. That’s not always possible, especially if the accident causes injuries. However, it’s best to contact your insurer as quickly as is practical, while the details are fresh in your memory. In some cases, insurance providers impose time limits on reporting accidents, so ask your agent or check your policy for details. Your state’s insurance code may also dictate how quickly you must report an accident. For example, New York is a “no-fault” state, which means motorists must carry personal injury protection (PIP), a type of coverage that pays your and your passengers’ medical expenses, regardless of who is at fault for an accident. PIP won’t pay to repair your vehicle or another driver’s car. However, if anyone sustains injuries in a collision, New York’s no-fault law requires you to file a PIP claim within 30 days of the accident. If you’re not sure about the rules in your state, research its car insurance regulations or contact your insurance agent to find out.

When You Might Not Need to Report an Accident

Minor fender benders happen frequently. If another driver is at fault for a fender bender, accepts responsibility, and gives you their contact and insurance company information, you may not need to notify your insurance company, but you will need to contact the other driver’s insurer to file a claim for damage to your automobile. However, if you are at fault or if the accident caused any injuries, you’ll need to contact your insurer as soon as possible to tell your side of the story. Keep in mind that not reporting an accident to your insurance company may lead to unexpected consequences. For example, if another driver is at fault for a fender bender and agrees to pay for damages to your car out of pocket, they might not follow through. Also, make sure you understand the reporting requirements mandated by your car loan or lease agreement, if applicable, and the terms and conditions of your auto insurance policy.

Reporting a Car Accident vs. Filing an Insurance Claim

Reporting an accident to an insurer isn’t the same as filing a claim. Providers encourage you to report all accidents, but you can only file a claim if you have the coverages you need to help pay for repairs or cover medical costs, such as collision insurance or medical payments coverage. Even so, the reporting and claims processes require some of the same elements.

Contact Info for Other Driver(s) and Witnesses

Exchange information with other drivers, including contact information, insurance company names and policy numbers, makes and models of automobiles, and driver’s license numbers. If bystanders witnessed the accident, ask for their contact information so the police or an insurance claims representative can request their statements. An insurance company may not need this information if you only want to report an accident, but if you file a claim, you’ll need to submit it.

A DMV or Police Report

Some local and state laws dictate when you must file an accident report with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or a police department. If a police officer responds to the scene of an accident and files a report, the insurance company will likely request a copy of it when you file a claim. If you only report an accident, the insurer may or may not request a police report.

A Claim Form

Claim processes vary by provider. Some companies take accident claims online, over the phone, or through a mobile app. In general, filing a claim requires more information than simply reporting an accident. You’ll also need to make sure you have the type of coverage relevant to your claim. For example, to file a claim for damage to your car from an accident, you’ll need collision coverage.

When You Need to Notify the DMV or Police

State and local laws dictate when you must report a car accident to a local police department or your state’s department of motor vehicles. For example, California law requires drivers to report crashes to the DMV within 10 days of an accident involving injuries or automobile damage of more than $750. People who don’t comply can face a driver’s license suspension. In Denver, Colorado, law enforcement only responds to car accidents under certain circumstances:

Hit-and-run incidentsCrashes that involve injuries or fatalitiesCollisions that obstruct a street or damage public propertyAccidents involving drivers who are intoxicated or don’t hold a valid driver’s licenseAccidents involving city employees

Even if a police officer doesn’t respond to a crash, drivers are required to file an accident report by calling 911 or visiting a local police station. Oregon law requires drivers to file a report with the DMV within 72 hours of accidents that cause fatalities or injuries, require a vehicle to be towed from the scene, or cause damage to vehicles or other property that exceeds $2,500. All drivers should know their local and state DMV and police reporting requirements before they get behind the wheel. Even if you’re involved in a minor crash, most major auto insurance companies recommend contacting the police from the scene of the accident. A police report taken by an officer at the scene of a collision will help your insurer investigate any claim you might file. Some states also offer online accident report forms, which you can download and mail to the appropriate government department. A few states provide an online collision reporting system, which you can submit from the convenience of your home.