To manage it all, consider making yourself a checklist of things to do as you move into your new house. Here’s what to consider when making your checklist.

What to Do Before Closing

If you haven’t already, review the home inspection report and other types of inspection reports. The seller may have fixed certain things for you or you’ll have to do so yourself to make sure everything is working to your satisfaction.  You should also check for plumbing leaks during the final walkthrough with your agent. Don’t forget to find out where your water shut-off valve and electrical panels are located. 

Make Sure You Have Cash on You

While you’re going to swipe your debit or credit card to pay the moving company and for various other expenses, cash is king in some circumstances. You’ll want it to tip people and just in case you run into an unforeseen situation where cards are not accepted.

Turn on the Utilities

Before moving into a new house, notify the utility companies to transfer gas, water, electrical, trash, and sewer into your name. The escrow company might transfer county utilities in some localities, so it’s a good idea to inquire about this at closing. Otherwise, you’ll have to call yourself.

Sequester Your Pets

Moving can be a terrifying experience for pets, and even if they’re not frightened, you don’t want them underfoot. Bring blankets, food dishes, litter boxes, toys, and treats in a separate box for your pets, then place those items—with your pets—in a separate room. Ideally, the room will be as far away from the noise and commotion as possible, but don’t forget to check on them periodically if you can’t easily hear sounds of distress. It will help them feel safe and reduce the chance that they’ll try to bolt out the front door.

Change the Locks

You have no way of knowing how many strangers have keys to your new home given to them by the previous owner. Call a locksmith and get those locks changed. A locksmith can install a deadbolt if your door is missing one. Most mobile locksmiths charge between $50 and $100 to make a home visit, plus extra for the keys.

Plug in the Refrigerator

Some people unplug the refrigerator and turn it off before they walk out the door for the last time, so make sure all the appliances are plugged in and working. Sometimes sellers leave a surprise bottle of bubbly for buyers, so open the door and have a peek inside. Check that the ice dispenser is working as well.

Change Your Mailing Address

The post office lets you change your mailing address online, but expect that they’ll probably mix up mail for a while, and keep in mind that not all mail is forwarded. Take the added, precautionary step of changing your mailing address directly with your credit card lenders and your bank and any other important entities you maintain mail contact with.

Set Up Security

A home security system provides peace of mind. It will take next to no time for the security company to activate your system if your home already has the equipment installed, so call and check into it. Some companies install systems that let you set the security alarm when you’re inside the home at night, which is extra comfort for single homeowners. Choose strong security codes, one for you and one for your guests.

Establish Internet

In addition to needing Wi-Fi for your computers, phones, and tablets, your security system might need it as well. Digital doorbells use Wi-Fi, too, and so do home-based apps that turn lights off and on, open garage doors, and water your lawn. Given how long it can take for technicians to come out, it’s best to plan ahead for Wi-Fi installation.

Order Food and Drink

Some people pack snacks to take with them on moving day. Others want to feed not only themselves but also the movers and friends who are helping them. But moving day isn’t a good time to plan to cook. Your options aren’t limited to pizza and soft drinks. Get takeout from the Chinese restaurant down the street or order a case of beer to be delivered through your favorite food delivery app. Keep plenty of bottled water on hand, too, especially if you’re moving in a warmer month.

Figure Out Sleeping Arrangements

Don’t wait until midnight to realize that all the movers have left and you can’t find the screws to set up your bed. Your beds should be the first pieces of furniture you set up. Make sure you know where you packed your pillows and bedding as well. Finishing a bedroom first from top to bottom can create a haven for you the night of the move and in the days right after. It will be somewhere you can retreat and unwind for a while, then tackle the remaining challenges tomorrow (or in a few days). Most people also pack an overnight bag containing all the essentials they’ll need before they go to bed and when they wake the next morning, such as toothpaste, brushes, contact lenses, and medications.

Meet the Neighbors

Your neighbors will hopefully pop up bearing Tupperware meals or plates full of cookies, but otherwise, invite them over if you spot them eyeing you as you’re unloading boxes. Not everyone will walk over and introduce themselves. They might worry that they’re intruding. Make a special effort to remember names.