In the 1990s when blogs first appeared, they were primarily online diaries, where people would provide personal accounts of their lives. They since have grown to include writing and media on topics such as news, politics, music, food, business, and much more—there are even blogs about blogging. Like many new resources that pop up, visionary entrepreneurs recognized the blog format as a marketing tool and began using it to provide information and updates to their customers, and as a way to draw in new business. From there, blogging grew into a new and effective marketing strategy.

What Blog Marketing Is

Blog marketing is the process of reaching your home business’ target market through the use of a blog. Initially, business owners had a blog separate from their websites, but today, you can easily integrate the two to make it easier for you to manage, as well as easier for visitors to access. Many business owners use a blogging platform, such as WordPress, for both their website and blog. Further, as blogging has grown in ease and popularity, many people have created businesses from blogging all on its own, as opposed to having a business first and then blogging. For example, some food blogs are businesses in and of themselves.

The Pros of Blog Marketing

The very nature of blogging makes them ideal for marketing since they provide new content to draw people back, and offer a way for consumers and businesses to interact. Here are a few other benefits:

The Cons of Blog Marketing

Like just everything else in life, there can be a downside to blogging.

How to Do Blog Marketing

Starting a blog and using it to promote your business can be set up within minutes. It’s the ongoing management and marketing that will take time.