The following questions are intended to help you build a detailed picture of the person’s occupation. Use these informational and functional questions as a guideline to get started. Take the time to research the person’s job and make notes of what you’d like to learn more about.

Prepare for the Informational Interview

Take the time to prepare for each informational interview you contact. Learn more about the employer or career field in question, rehearse your question list, and set up your interview. Be on time for your meeting, have a notepad and pen ready, and wear a watch to make sure that you are respectful of your interviewee’s time and don’t overstay your welcome.

Occupational Questions to Ask

The following questions can help you uncover important information about the job held by your interviewee. Some might be more or less relevant to the person you choose to interview. Choose the most useful questions for your needs, and take care not to take up an inordinate amount of time from your interviewee.

Functional Questions to Ask

Most of the following questions serve to give you a flavor of the interviewee’s daily life on the job. You may have different triggers that cause you pressure or stress, for example, but the answers you receive can help you see where you might excel and which items, such as a lot of overtime, might not make sense for your lifestyle.

Follow Up With a Thank-You Note

After the interview, send a thank-you note via email. To cement your connection and show that you really got a lot out of the interview, you could attach a link to an article on something relevant to your conversation, and let the person know they inspired you to read the article.