As a marketing major, you’ll develop a broad range of valuable marketing skills and knowledge you can apply to jobs in a variety of sectors.

Skills Marketing Majors Need

Students who major in marketing develop several skills that are used across industries. Crucial skills for marketing majors to develop and master include:

Effective Research: To assess the needs and preferences of consumers, marketing professionals need both quantitative and qualitative research skills. Communication: Refined written, verbal, and presentation skills. Teamwork: Strong leadership, cooperative, and teamwork skills. Event coordination: Ability to plan and promote events and campaigns. Interpersonal relationships: Desire and capacity to engage consumers directly and encourage them to purchase products and services. Creativity: Competency in creating visual communications and product designs and conceptualizing slogans and themes for marketing campaigns.

The best job for you as a marketing major depends on your unique set of skills, values, personality traits, and interests. You will have the opportunity to showcase the skills you learned and cultivated in your marketing degree program when you begin interviewing for marketing jobs. You should also reach out to faculty, alumni, your college career services office, and other network contacts to generate different possibilities suitable for your background. The following list will help you identify some traditional and nontraditional options for marketing careers.

Admissions Representative

Admissions offices at colleges and other educational institutions market their schools to prospective students and their families. Marketing majors have the research skills and strategic knowledge to help admissions departments promote their institutions. Admissions staff members tap into their organizational and event planning skills to coordinate open houses and other admissions programs. Presentation skills are vital, as admissions staff members represent their institutions at college fairs and school visits. Salary: According to Glassdoor, admissions representatives earn an average annual salary of $45,003.

Brand/Product Manager

Brand and product managers oversee all aspects of marketing a product or service. They usually begin their careers as marketing assistants, market research analysts, sales representatives, or trainees in development programs before earning an MBA. Marketing majors acquire the marketing research, advertising, and product development knowledge required for this role. Highly developed analytical skills are necessary to evaluate consumer trends and research related to a product. Brand managers select and direct other departments or contractors that conduct research, media planning, and advertising regarding their brands. Presentation and persuasive skills are critical when pitching budgets and other product proposals to executives at a firm. Salary: Glassdoor reports that marketing brand managers make an average annual salary of $100,751.

Event/Meeting Planner

Weddings, alumni gatherings, press conferences, professional conferences, training sessions, and promotional events all require a planner who can anticipate an audience’s needs and preferences. Students or graduates with a history of organizing and promoting campus events would benefit from exploring this option. Writing skills and social media expertise enable marketing majors to publicize events and draw a viable audience. Salary: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, meeting, convention, and event planners earn an average annual salary of $55,890.


Development workers and others who raise money for non-profit organizations are essentially marketing their organizations to the public. In this capacity, they assess prospective donors’ interests and develop communications that emphasize their organizations’ critical services. Fundraisers tap the marketing major’s presentation and interpersonal skills to make pitches to groups of potential donors. They organize and publicize events and secure sponsorships from corporate entities. Salary: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that fundraisers earn an average annual salary of $ 64,550.

Marketing Assistant

Marketing professionals often employ recent graduates as assistants to carry out support duties and more routine tasks. Organizational and event planning skills help marketing majors coordinate promotional initiatives. Writing and editing skills honed through marketing studies help assistants to compose and revise marketing communications. Expertise with social media applications enables assistants to enhance the online presence of their organizations. Salary: According to Glassdoor, marketing assistants earn an average annual salary of $41,597.

Market Research Analyst

Marketing majors with strong quantitative, analytical, and research skills should investigate marketing research analyst careers. These professionals design and carry out consumer reaction assessments of new products and services, modified products, packaging, and advertising themes. They gather, organize, and interpret data using software and statistical tools. Market research analysts must prepare and deliver presentations to marketing managers highlighting their findings, much like the academic reports made by marketing majors. The creative talents of marketing majors are useful when selecting methods for eliciting consumer responses to products. Salary: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, market research analysts earn a median annual salary of $73,970.

Media Planner

Marketing majors are well equipped to analyze the viewing, reading, listening, and surfing patterns of various consumer groups as required by media planners. Media planners work to determine what forms of media a company should use to attract consumers or gain users. Most graduates will start in support positions like media assistant, in which attention to detail, organizing data, generating spreadsheets, and preparing presentations will be typical job responsibilities. Salary: Glassdoor reports that media planners make an average annual salary of $58,151.

Public Relations Representative

Marketing majors learn to analyze an audience and identify the types of communication that can influence a specific demographic. This is the primary goal of public relations, an industry that focuses on helping a client develop and maintain a positive reputation with the public. Marketing graduates with strong journalistic writing skills are often suited for public relations jobs that involve engaging with the media to promote a client. Public speaking, organizational, and event planning skills help the marketing major orchestrate press conferences and other publicity events. Extroverts who can readily develop a rapport with key contacts often thrive in this profession. Salary: Per Glassdoor, public relations representatives earn an average annual salary of $50,118. 

Sales Representative

The goal of all marketing enterprises is to increase sales of products or services. There are many sales jobs available, and these positions can serve as an excellent springboard for careers in other marketing areas. Marketing majors learn to assess the preferences of consumers. They also refine the verbal and presentation skills needed to make compelling sales pitches. Marketing majors with a competitive nature, outgoing personality, and the capacity to bounce back from rejection will be well suited for sales representative positions. Salary: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that sales representatives in the wholesale and manufacturing sectors for technical and science products earn an average annual salary of $99,680.

Social Media Manager

Organizations of all kinds have placed increased emphasis on online marketing. Social media managers orchestrate the presence and refine their organizations’ image on outlets like Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram. Tech-savvy marketing majors with strong creative and writing skills can excel in this role. Social media managers tap the marketing major’s teamwork skills to work collaboratively with staff from other operating units at their firms. They must have the persuasive ability and finesse with people to coax cooperation and enthusiasm from colleagues, followers, and consumers. Salary: Glassdoor reports an average annual salary of $53,175 for social media managers. Review Your Skills and Experience List your marketing skills, experience, and achievements. Keep this list handy to help you match your qualifications to jobs. Prepare Your Application Materials Use resume and cover letter templates to create your materials. Be sure to customize them for each job opportunity. Know Interview Etiquette Review interview etiquette tips. Dress appropriately, be on time, and always send a thank-you note.