Maybe you love your job, but you’re concerned about becoming obsolete because you’ve been in one position for a while. Perhaps your hours are too long, or your commute is too grueling. Sometimes, the reasons to stay outweigh the reasons to go—even when you like what you do.  

Here Are 7 Reasons to Quit a Job You Love

Review these signs that it could be time to quit the job you love and consider moving on.

1. More Money

The most obvious reason to quit a job that you love is more money. It doesn’t matter how much you love your job if you’re stressed over paying the bills every month and can’t make ends meet. Before you start a job search or quit, find out how much you’re worth in today’s job market. It’s important to be sure that you actually can get a bigger paycheck if you turn in your notice.

2. Better Work-Life Balance

Is your job getting in the way of your life? Maybe you’re struggling to balance family responsibilities with your professional duties. Perhaps your commute is getting in the way of doing anything but work—leaving you with little time for other interests. These factors can be signals that it’s time to consider other job options that are a better fit for where you are in your life now.

3. A Change of Scenery

You may want to live closer to family or relocate to a different climate. Or maybe you’re tired of the city and want to try life in the country (or vice versa). These are all good reasons to consider quitting.

4. Better Long-Term Prospects

Do you seem to be stuck on a rung on the career ladder and going nowhere—or were you expecting a promotion you didn’t get? If the future at your company isn’t shaping up as you expected, it might be time to consider starting a job search. Remember, it never hurts to see what’s available and what else you can do.

5. There’s Nowhere Left to Go

Have you maxed out what you can accomplish in this job? If so, you have a couple of choices. You can stay long-term if you’re happy in this role and aren’t expecting more out of your career. Or you could consider moving to a company with more options for career growth.

6. It’s Time to Try Something Different

Maybe you’re getting close to retirement age, and you want to check out alternative career paths while you still have time to. Is there something that you want to do while you still can? Loving your job doesn’t mean you have to keep it. What did you want to do when you were growing up? Take a free career test (or two) to see what your future might hold. It’s never too late to start over.

7. You’re About to Get Fired

Do you love your job, but it doesn’t love you? If you’re not getting along with your boss or your colleagues or you simply can’t do the job as well as you should, it might be time to consider a move.

Get Ready to Job Search Confidentially

It’s important to keep your job search confidential until you have another position lined up. Don’t jeopardize your current job while you look for your next opportunity.  

The Best Way to Quit Your Job

When you love your job, it can be really hard to turn in your resignation. It’s not just the job you’re leaving. It can be like losing part of your family. Leaving on the right note can help you maintain those relationships. To quit the right way, remember to:

Give Appropriate Notice

In most cases, this means giving at least two weeks’ notice.

Write a Resignation Letter

Even though it’s a good idea to discuss your decision with your manager in person, you’ll want a formal record of your decision. Be sure that your resignation letter has all the necessary information, including your last day of employment.

Be Gracious

Saying thank you is easier when you mean it, but there will be a lot on your mind during the transition. Don’t forget to thank your manager and teammates for the opportunities and support they’ve given you.