Food Costs

Food is one category where it is easy to justify overspending because having good food is a necessity. However, if you add up the total amount you spend on food each month you may be surprised at how much you are spending. If you have a large family, it may be taking up a significant amount of your budget. Here are ten ways you can save on food costs each month.

Entertainment Costs

It is important to be able to relax and unwind, but you may be spending more than you realize on entertainment costs. This is a broad category, and it may be one of the first ones you should cut when you are trying to save money. Here are some tips to save on your entertainment expenses.


Many people assume that insurance is a set expense and there is not anything you can do to lower the cost. However, there are things you can do to lower your premium and still have great coverage. Here are five tips to help keep insurance costs low.


Housing is a huge part of many people’s budgets. You can buy a home that is too expensive and you may end up house poor. In some areas of the country, you may end up paying nearly half of your salary in rent. Here are some tips to help you save on your housing costs.


One area where you may be spending a lot of money, and not realize that you can cut back is transportation costs. The ways you can save may vary based on where you live and the options that are available to you. Try the 52-week challenge.