Here’s what the FDCPA says about your debt collection rights.

You Can Ask a Debt Collector to Stop Calling

To stop debt collector calls, send a written letter explaining that you no longer wish to be contacted. Yes, it’s really that simple. Once the collector receives your letter, they’re allowed one final written contact letting you know what, if anything, they’re going to do next.

You Can Ask the Collector to Call Only at Convenient Times

The law says debt collectors can only call between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. But, if there’s another timeframe that’s not convenient for you, for example before 10 a.m. because you work the late shift, let the debt collector know and they’re prohibited from calling you at that time.

You Can Ask the Collector to Verify the Debt

Soon after they first contact you, the debt collector is required to notify you of your right to dispute the validity of the debt. Then, you have 30 days to send a debt validation letter requesting proof that the debt is yours. After receiving your validation letter, the collector must stop collection activity until they’ve sent you the proof.

You Can Dispute Inaccurately Reported Debts

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, only accurate, timely, and verifiable information can appear on your credit report. If you spot errors on your credit report, send a credit report dispute to the credit bureau to have inaccurate collection accounts removed from your report. Provide copies of any proof you have to help the credit bureau investigate your dispute. Follow up with the collection agency if the credit bureau dispute is unsuccessful.

You Have the Right to Stop Collection Calls to Your Job

Debt collectors can’t call you at work if they know or should know you’re not allowed to receive those types of calls at work. If you do get a call from a debt collector while your at work, just tell the collector not to call your job. You can also send a letter for written proof that you’ve made the request.

You Have the Right to Privacy About Your Debts

If they can’t reach you directly, debt collectors can contact certain third parties to get your contact information, but they can only contact these people once each. Collectors are generally not allowed to tell anyone else about your debt, even when they’re trying to get your contact information. The exceptions are your spouse, your attorney if you have one, and your parent or legal guardian if you’re under age 18.

The Debt Collector Owes You the Truth

Debt collectors are prohibited from giving false information. They’re not allowed to falsely represent themselves as attorneys or government agencies, nor can they accuse you of committing any crime. They’re not allowed to misrepresent papers as legal forms or say that papers are not legal forms when they actually are.

You Don’t Have to Pay Any More Than What You Owe

Collectors aren’t allowed to charge any interest or fees to your account unless the original contract includes them or your state’s law allows it. You can dispute an amount that seems unreasonably high.

You Can Choose Which Debts to Pay

If you have more than one debt with a debt collector, you’re allowed to choose which debt your payment should apply to. The FDCPA also forbids the collector from applying your payment to a debt that you’ve disputed.

You Can Avoid Payment on an Expired Debt

The statute of limitations is the amount of time a collector can sue you for a debt. The time limit varies by state and by type of debt. After the statute of limitations has passed, you still owe the debt, but you have the right to withhold payment. Collectors can still collect on the debt and even list it on your credit report if it’s still within the credit reporting time limit.

You Have the Right to Sue a Collector Who Violates Your Rights

You can sue a debt collector in state or federal court within a year of their violation of the law. You may receive actual damages, like lost wages, or you may receive up to $1,000 in punitive damages, and reimbursement for your legal fees. If the same debt collector has broken the same law with you and several other consumers, you can form a class action lawsuit and receive up to $500,000 or 1% of the collector’s net worth (whichever is smaller).