Here are ten steps you can take to find a new job, including where to look for jobs, the top job sites to use, how to use your connections to boost your job hunt, how to ace the interview, how to follow up, and more advice on how to get hired for your next job. Also, consider working with a recruiter to maximize your opportunities. Review a list of the best job sites to use to get started.  Narrowing your search criteria will help you focus your job search and give you more relevant job listings to review and fewer non-relevant job listings to weed through. Use advanced search options to drill down to the location where you want to work and the specific positions you’re interested in.  These simple tips will help you build a better LinkedIn profile.  If you’re a college graduate, check out the networking opportunities available for alumni from your university. Do you belong to a professional association? It will be another good source for networking leads.  Once you have a list of dream employers you’d love to work for, you can do some special outreach to get your application noticed. You may even be able to sign up to get email notifications for new job openings immediately after they are posted.  The hiring manager will be able to see, at a glance, why and how you are qualified for the job. You’ll have a much better chance of getting an interview than if you merely sent a generic letter and resume.  Research the company before you go for the interview, dress appropriately, practice answering and asking interview questions, and make a concerted effort to impress the interviewer with your skills, experience, confidence, and expertise.  Everyone likes to be appreciated, and a quick email or note thanking the interviewer for his or her time will give you another opportunity to make a good impression.  You don’t have to accept a job just because it was offered to you, but do carefully evaluate it and if you decline, do so politely. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be a “yes” or “no” decision. You may be able to negotiate the terms by making a counter offer. Or, you may be able to negotiate some extra perks that would make the job more enticing.